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Case Report
Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders 2011: 10: 1: 34-36


보행 실조의 지연 회복을 보인 소뇌 병변을 동반한 급성 베르니케 뇌병증 환자의 확산텐서 신경로 영상
신형우, 구본대
관동대학교 의과대학 명지병원 신경과
Diffusion Tensor Tractography in an Acute Wernicke Encephalopathy Patient with Cerebellar Lesion Showing Delayed Recovery of Gait Ataxia
Hyung Woo Shin, M.D., Bon D. Ku, M.D.
Department of Neurology, Kwandong University College of Medicine, Goyang, Korea
Diffusion tensor image (DTI) can provide the prognosis of the rehabilitation as well as the structural integrity of the white matter tract in acute brain lesion. We experienced a 29-yr old female Wernicke encephalopathy patient. The extensive cerebellar lesions resulted in severe gait ataxia at the early stage of the disease. However, preserved pontocerebellar tracts which were demonstrated in 3-dimensional fiber tractography using DTI may explain the delayed improvement of gait ataxia one year later. DTI can be a useful tool for the in-vivo prediction of the ataxia prognosis in the Wernicke encephalopathy patient.
Key Words: Diffusion tensor image, 3-dimensional fiber tractography, Wernicke encephalopathy
대한치매학회지 (Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders)