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Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders 2020: 19: 4: 1-4


Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Dementia: Recommendation of the Korean Dementia Association
Jae-Sung Lim , 1 Yong S. Shim , 2 Chan-Nyoung Lee , 3 Jae-Won Jang , 4 Hojin Choi , 5 SangHak Yi , 6 Seunghee Na , 7 Nayoung Ryoo , 8 Kun Woo Park 3
1 Department of Neurology, Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym Neurological Institute, Hallym University College of Medicine, Anyang, Korea 2 Department of Neurology, Eunpyeong St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea 3 Department of Neurology, Anam Hospital, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea 4 Department of Neurology, Kangwon National University Hospital, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea 5 Department of Neurology, Hanyang University Guri Hospital, Guri, Korea 6 Department of Neurology, Wonkwang University Hospital, Wonkwang University School of Medicine, Iksan, Korea 7 Department of Neurology, Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, Incheon, Korea 8 Department of Neurology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul National University, Seongnam, Korea
Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Dementia: Recommendation of the Korean Dementia Association
Jae-Sung Lim , 1 Yong S. Shim , 2 Chan-Nyoung Lee , 3 Jae-Won Jang , 4 Hojin Choi , 5 SangHak Yi , 6 Seunghee Na , 7 Nayoung Ryoo , 8 Kun Woo Park 3
1 Department of Neurology, Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym Neurological Institute, Hallym University College of Medicine, Anyang, Korea 2 Department of Neurology, Eunpyeong St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea 3 Department of Neurology, Anam Hospital, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea 4 Department of Neurology, Kangwon National University Hospital, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea 5 Department of Neurology, Hanyang University Guri Hospital, Guri, Korea 6 Department of Neurology, Wonkwang University Hospital, Wonkwang University School of Medicine, Iksan, Korea 7 Department of Neurology, Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, Incheon, Korea 8 Department of Neurology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul National University, Seongnam, Korea
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has influenced every aspect of our lives. The importance of personal hygiene has been emphasized, and the awareness of the civil society regarding
infectious diseases has increased. However, this change has created another dilemma.
Quarantine is essentially based on social distancing.
The basic principle is to avoid possible contact among individuals. Meanwhile, dementia management is based on interpersonal contact in all aspects.
No patient with dementia can live alone. It was the basic goal and assumption of a national dementia policy to ensure that family support and community safety networks are working properly.
Patients with neurological diseases, including dementia, may have low awareness of the first symptoms of COVID-19 due to atypical presentations.
In addition, dementia is thought to increase the risk of developing COVID-19.
Key Words:
대한치매학회지 (Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders)